Paper Retriever Recycling
Have you ever thought about how much paper is thrown in the trash every single day in an office or business? There are startling statistics out there on paper waste generated each day by a person working in an office. Google “office paper waste statistics” when you get a chance to find out how much paper/money actually lands in the trash every day.
Good news! We as an organization have decided to participate in the Paper Retriever Recycling program. Paper Retriever is a simple recycling program that directly benefits the community as well as the environment. Schools, churches and other nonprofit organizations in cities across the country place recycling bins outside their organizations where members of the community and the organization itself can donate their recyclable paper. The nonprofit organizations are then paid based on the tonnage that their bin collects; those funds can be used for textbooks, playground repair, even school field trips or other programs. Our bin was placed in our parking lot last week and the funds raised by Auld & White will go towards assisting Sandalwood High School.
We encourage you to explore this program and maybe even participate! To find out more visit